Who are you?

It is said that we are just a phone call, a news, a natural calamity away from completely changing as a person. I assume this is said to define the frailty of human life. What about the acts done and the words spoken in one moment that can have a lasting impact on you as a person. What about the cracks that will fill over time but the impact they leave on your dreams, hopes and wishes is huge. We in our naivety make plans to achieve, to have things according to our way, to celebrate this achievement even and then bam! one day something happens that puts a question mark on all your plans up until now! When looked at them, the act may not be as big as losing a loved one, which to me is the lowest low and the biggest fear, but they are of enough significance that you will never overcome them completely. You will survive but the crack will stay always. What if something results in two step forward and four step backward? What if, right at that particular moment, your loved ones...