Ram wouldn't have liked it !

Ram gave us two occasions to celebrate and go crazy ; Diwali and Dasera.Both are celebrated because they signify the victory of good over evil.The reality today is something else.

Diwali, also known as the festival of lights, is celebrated as the day Ram, Sita and Lakshman were welcomed back by the people of Ayodhya who lit diyas to welcome back their king after 14 years of vanvas.And thus its Diwali.

If only Ram had heard a "rassi" or atom or whatever the green role bomb is called going off, he would have gone back to the "vann", craving its peace.The people then knew better.And we, who are supposedly "evolved" beings, have lost it.

Diwali is the time of shopping,spreading happiness,seeking blessings from elders and ODing on sweets.Basically having a blast.But when real and annoying blasts are involved in the celebrations, it ruins the fun for me.

The number of crackers burst on that day and the amount of pollution from the crackers can make a healthy person, asthmatic.We wake up to see thick fog the morning after.Fog from crackers burst the night before.

The noise is another pain altogether.Enough to cause permanent or temporary deafness and disturbance to old and young alike.

Celebration which cause disturbance to others and joys to only one isn't the kind Ram would have liked to see in his kingdom.

What sort of indulgence is burning away money with lots of noise??

Joy is best felt when shared.A box of sweets given to a less than fortunate child will go a long way in lighting up your and his Diwali.

Lets kill the Ra.One inside and welcome Ram in our minds.Only then can Diwali be truly celebrated and joy felt!

It sounds a little preachy but i can't help it.


  1. I have not burst crackers for ages now...and its sad for dogs too....dogs are dead scared on diwali....

    And next day...the whole nation looks like a trash bin.

  2. People use organic colors on holi to protect their skin. They should understand that burning crackers is ultimately going to effect them. Say no to crackers and spread the fresh air and happiness:) Great post to mark Diwali...:)

  3. As the time passing by, I can see a considerable downfall in enthusiasm related to Diwali. Earlier it fervour and I am afraid in coming years it’d be just a day.

  4. My dear Upasanaaaa

    I'm all for killing Ra.One :)

  5. Absolutely true and important, the extract of your post. And also, i believe Sri Rama Chandra would have been ashamed of this world, first of all our country(present) with what i call lack of ethics. Women are seen as mere physical beings. Exploiting in the name of love and marriage, abusing them under the same names. Well, what was it all that Rama did in his life? He chose to have one and only one woman in his life, other than his mother, infact all the three mothers(because he never discriminated step mothers) and what did today's India learn from ramayana ? celebrate diwali and dussera, a triumph over evil. We need to get our senses and moral and ethics and basically our soul's right. Woman, such as the great Janaki Sita Devi, should be treated with pure feelings, not this ravenous lust. I hate to see this happen to women.

    And for readers, i am of no religion and i am an atheist. I read ramayana as just a modern novel with the same morals and i was so proud of what rama and sita were. yet they were humans. So, i tell you people this becoz religion and divinity doesn't matter if you can stay pure and true at heart. Jai Shri Ram. (i am of no religion..but i willl bellow this cry of joy called "Rama". the pure and true one of all. "Sita", the pious and pure one of all. Hail them. Learn these from them and then we can celebrate their achievements, so that even they would be happy that WE ARE FOLLOWING AND CELEBRATING, NOT JUST CELEBRATING.

    wonderful post, thanx i would say for all am thankful for everything i read about Lord Rama.

  6. Good Post. It is not only Dussera or Diwali, but all festivals which have become commercialised. Personally, Diwali is terrible for me as I am petrified of crackers and every year goes by with prayers for a noiseless, crackerless Diwali.

  7. If the downfall is in the number of irritating crackers, nothing like it!

  8. Oh really! I didn't know that! It is very sad!

  9. I agree with you Sameera.Lessons are a part of growing up and nothing that teaches you anything good should be regretted.I just hope parents try and inculcate these values in kids instead of mindlessly agreeing to their wishes cause as kids they don't know any better!

  10. Sonali ben!! Welcome to this space!!! 

    I am with you.Lets kill the Ra.one.Within us and the one who is everywhere these days!!

  11. Thank you Sudhagee.I totally agree with you when you say all the festivals are completely commercialized now.

  12. Gujarati supper hero He-Mesh bhai !! Btw your Ra1 boycott is bad for Pranab MukherG :)

  13. if you dont buy crackers, dont watch Ra1, then GDP will come down drastically na :)

  14. while i completely agree with you about the frivolous waste of money and its effect on environment and personal health, I miss it every year....I guess being an Indian outside India i overemphasize the small things that i can relate to as Indian...Diwali and the Crackers and the entire hallabulla around the festival is best understood when u actually live away from it....
    Good post a great Read

  15. Totally true Rahul! Its great to know the awareness is spreading!

  16. I guess you are right, but its high time crackers stop being associated with Diwali!

  17. DiwaLi is festival of lights. People think it is festival of sound. As a child, I was very excited about crackers, but now.. I have understood. For children, it may still be exciting. But, they can refrain from sounds which will disturb their neighbors.
    I agree in some parts. I would like to give my child the happiness of crackers. :)

  18. uyou know 14 year old me would have disagreed completely but now i strongly feel their's more to diwali than burning away your money with a BANG.now i even get scraed and am surprised how i used to light away so much

  19. 'he would hav gone back to vann!' gud 1...

    ''killl raone n welcome ram!!''
    wht a tag line..
    it can be well used against srk's anti film publicity...lolzz ;)

  20. totally agree ...

  21. not only money, it burns houses a well... a slum in gurgaon was burnt on dusshera.... :(


  22. Hmm.. I wonder about this because we have been the kids who had been taking part in spoiling the environment. We used to buy crackers worth lets just say X amount and burn it down! As stupid as it seems now.. as a child there was a thrill see the rockets fly and sparks shining and shimmering.. it was magical.  Ofcourse with age and little wisdom we refrained for the mindless purchases and stuck to serial lights and diyas. But I do not regret what I did as a kid. It is a part of growing. At what expense you might question.. I don't know. I hold those memories dearly. And my future kids.. I will wait for them to enlighten themselves. :)

    The religion part of the festival.. I never understood that part. :P

  23. plz dont comment on God's likes and dislikes when u dont know them. Ram loves fire crackers. i know him personally. He in fact forced Luv and Kush to take an unpaid internship at a fireworks factory along with other illegal child laborers. 

    : )

    nice post.  :)

  24. Nice post...lets go the SRK way and watch RaOne and buy G1 toys this Diwali :) ! We have an option of watching Gujarati SRK the Umrao Jaan way :)

  25. Age brought along wisdom in your case!!  

  26. I hope it is!! I am sick of the never ending promotions!! Thank you for your comment mehal!

  27. The joy on a kid's face when he witnesses a cracker bursting is a treasure.But i do hope people refrain from the noisy ones.Thank you for your comment Sahana!

  28. You have got the gist beautifully Shankarjayanth.Thank you!

  29. Infact,I am of the opinion that Ra.One should be avoided everywhere.Inside our beings and the movie!! :-P

    Who is Gujrati SRK??

  30. I was hoping its not He-mess!! :-P

    Am lost again, why is it bad for him? :-(

  31. Everything is bad, if over done.
    Its a sad thing that we need to invoke gods to understand that.

  32. Indeed true - in this age of blatant noise pollution!!

  33. Invoking Gods isn't sad, according to me.People follow them as an example thus the point is put across better if said with regard to Gods.

  34. Diwali has got louder with passage of time! Its time we left the environment clean for next generations to enjoy the beauty of mother earth

  35. Well said...it can cause problems to those with health issues.But its the only time to celebrate right but care should be taken so that others are not harmed .. :)

  36. I totally agree! 

    My cousin comes over for Diwali each year and the last few years, we've stopped bursting crackers. And since then. all the noise seems to have become such a nuisance.Lol @ killing the RaOne!!


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