RIP Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011) passed away on 5th October, 2011.Half the world heard the sad news on the devices he was instrumental in making.

The enigma only recently started interesting me enough to find more about him.As a matter of fact, after his resignation as the CEO of Apple Inc. did i start reading up on him.I read as much as i could lay my hands on and i was completely in awe.

Very few people come along who can truthfully say they made a difference to the whole world.The genius the world just lost was one of them.Some were a fan of the devices he made, some of his values and some, like me, of the enigma himself.

I salute his passion which remained undiluted despite the ups and downs.He stuck to what he loved and didn't give it up.Nothing could stop him from doing what he loved and did best.Be it the rarest form of pancreatic cancer or getting fired from the company he co-founded.

Mr. Steve Jobs, you have left behind a legacy.Not only in the form of a technological renaissance, also in the form of your values.If even some of us can stay as hungry and as foolish as you, only then can the world hope to fill up the void that you have left behind.

Following the quest of looking for what i love to do, i bid goodbye to your physical form, for, you shall be with us for a long time to come in our thoughts.



  1. did u make ur comments section so cool???

  2. Hey sorry, here s the link:

  3. it was a good read..thanks for sharing..

  4. iRead.iLiked.iCommented on your post!

    Thank you for your comment!

  5. Couldn't agree more! His ideas totally changed how we interact with technology today

  6. Agree completely.  well written upasana!

  7. Seriously! If it weren't for him, we would still be using buttons!

    Thank you for your comment Kunal.

  8. iLiked it very much...a very nice ode to his suprehuman existence...Our world has been affected by 3 apples so deeply---- the apple which adam ate,the apple which fell on newton and the apple made by steve jobs..

  9. He is not less than a Legend .... 

    Mr. Steve Jobs RIP .... :(

  10. amazing guy...he'll truly go down big time in history.
    check this out...very interesting :

  11. The more i read about him the more intrigued i get.Will check out the link asap.

  12. Dont miss watching this video, this s the best video I hv watched till date. He s awesome and more than a legend.

  13. Hey Sridhar.I have seen the video.It is really is fab!

  14. I paid my tribute to him too....he was one and only. World will not be the same again.


  15. nicely written post, planning to write something too, the guy deserved it

  16. Very true Upasana, he has left a legacy of values. Nicely written article and the line I mentioned before is the best one, I read in all the tributes so far. 

  17. You are most welcome ! Thank you for your comment! Will definitely visit your blog!


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