My Christmas...

I wake up on a cold floor,
No blanket for cover,
My mom doesn't hug me,
The stocking isn't filled,
My tree is not that green,
Snow doesn't seem too serene.
Dad doesn't dress up as Santa,
Sweets aren't meant for me
I like them but,
nobody gets any for me.
I am the same as you,
but not as fortunate,
I too wish for toys new,
But none do i get!


  1. That side of the coin always exists :(
    Merry xmas though

  2. Touched!! There are so many children who can just crave!

  3. Thank you Saru! Thats such a beautiful wish to have! I really hope it comes true!

  4. Painful and it's brilliant writing dear. I wish every kid is fortunate enough to get what he wants:)

  5. A moving poetry to remember those lesser privileged!

  6. Very thought provoking. I'm moved. Beautifully written.

  7. Marita, thats a very valid question we all face.All of us want to help but we don't know how.From whatever little i have done, i have learnt that the kids apart from gifts need your love and attention.If some of us spare some time and visit them,talk to them,  we can give them happiness in abundance.They really crave for love like other kids!

  8. It is a very sad situation indeed the Solitary writer.

  9. Totally true Writing Bee.If only we put it into practice, we can make Christmas special for so many kids!

  10. Hats off to your sister Sameera! Its such a noble deed that she is doing! We need people like her to make Christmas special for the deserving!

  11. The world needs more people like u who r not immersed in their own very impressed with ur poem....awesomely fabulously fantastically written...

  12. priceless words.

  13. very moving  poem, the story of many a lives & those eyes so sad

  14. the question remains, what are we doing to make the lives of kids like this brighter, not just for Christmas but all year round?

  15. obviously thats the case and you know this is too bad when you come across such hopeless kids who still wait for santa to deliver their gifts.Well writen

  16. boy you ARE turning into a hardcore poet. great going!

  17. Very touching. While all of us are busy celebrating Christmas, we forget to think about those who are less fortunate than us. They too deserve as much as a Christmas as us!

  18. My sister does this Secret Santa projects for unfortunate kids. This poem reminded me of her. She spends Christmas with them gives them toys they will never know who gave.

  19. touching one,,
    we are so selfish, we are not in a position to spend some thing for the unfortunate.  (the e magazine)

  20. That's so sad...:(
    Poor unfortunate kid :(
    Wish God grants his small wishes...


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