Dear pudgy and naked toddler a.k.a. Cupid...

Dear pudgy naked toddler a.k.a. Cupid,

       Yes, your time has come again.Bring out the rusty bow and quiver of arrows.Fly across the world and "hit" anyone you like.You don't have to worry about policing.Moral or otherwise!So just go poking.

Is this you? Really?

Now,to be really frank, You surprise me.You know its nothing personal(not too much at least) but when i imagined the messenger of love i didn't imagine a barely clothed only enough to save his dignity, notorious kid, hopping around with bows and arrows in hand and hitting anyone as per his whims.That is some imagination, whoever came up with you.

Its not only the way you look that bothers me, that you can't help, except wear some clothes, for starters.And a bow and arrow, really?Isn't that a little outdated?Why would you still stick to it despite the fact that the whole world is on Facebook.Just poke.Its non violent.And equally effective.Seriously kid, you need to grow up.Times are changing and so should you.

Yes, as i was saying, its not only your looks and ways that bother me, but the fact that you have awful judgment.It can't get any more unfair than you hitting just one person with that arrow of yours.I mean, what is he going to do about it? All alone.The person you made him fall for is totally unaware.If you actually have to get violent, hit both.It will be of use then.Whats the point in hitting just one?That is when it gets personal.You hit me hard the last time and forgot to hit "him".Now that you have, i wonder why is it so painful.The hit, stupid cupid!

Cupid, next time hit both!

The other thing is i refuse to believe you can make people fall in love.This comes out of a fear that my destiny is in the hands of a "Diaper wearing", winged and pudgy kid.No, thank you! Its too scary to imagine.What would happen if you are in a foul mood! Or if you miss your aim and it lands up on some weirdo wearing transparent pink shirt (nothing beneath) and holding red roses.Scary thought!!

The moot point in my rant above is that i feel you should retire and let the clothed grown ups handle it.Give a rest to your bows and arrows for now.Maybe once you grow up, we can talk!

Yours "totally in love, but without your help" truly,

P.S : Why i see no sense in Valentines Day is another long post.For now, lets just say, i believe in love means never having to say "Happy Valentines Day"!!


  1. :-) Loved this post...Tongue in cheek...funny....and awesomely witty....Conveying pain through humour...I always like...Thumbs up!!!!!!:-D

  2. :) Again a amazing post.......wrap in a amazing way..........and the added humour is brilliant

  3. Cupids were made to screw around in undies.
    Cupids are more lethal than those who practice Jihad. Period.

  4. Lovely!! Humour filled, but I agree with a lot of your points!! Especially the part where he forgets to hit both of them, which is the most painful part!!
    Completely agree with true love is when you don't need one particular day to pour out all your love! Everyday should be new, a celebration celebrated right??!!

  5. Yes, worst part is hitting only person with the arrow..useless!

  6. I'm unsure if it's the pics or the writing. But that's one post overflowing with sweetness, mushiness and all those things that one gets tired of seeing on Valentine's Day.

    Good one! :)

    1. Its so strange cause those are the things that i find totally corny!Anyway thank you Sangeet!!

  7. hee heee heee kitna cute lagta hai yaaar, tu faaltu criticuze karne mein lagi hai

  8. Happy V Day! =)

  9. Cute. :-)

    Its quite fun seeing the two groups, the ones who act so mushy and plan so much in advance for this day and the others who treat it as just another day.

    But, I do believe that there is no one day to feel or express love. Its eternal.

    I guess, the cupid runs out of arrows to hit an even number of people and some of them end up only being hit alone. :P

    1. It is quite fun to see the divide! Thank you Kunal!

  10. Valentine's day is just hyped up :) Makes no sense to me either :P
    Cupid with just underpants, but he looks cute :P
    Was a light and funny read :)
    You have a nice blog! :D

  11. poor Cupid...first time some one hit him back....LOL :)

    nice post

  12. LoL, Cupid! :-) Took a minute to look around and u have a cool stuff on here so adding you to my google connect.. maybe follow each other?..let's talk soon!

    Hugs from NYC!


  13. Now that made me S.m.i.l.e! Sucha cute post :)

    1. Thank you Sarah! You have a beautiful name! :-)

  14. Loved the humor in the post Upasana. Cupid hits the arrow it pierces and brings in the beauty of love.. :)


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