Time turner anyone???

Being in the early 20s is not turning out to be what i imagined when i was a teenager or as a kid.All my life i have heard that change is the only constant and now the twenty's are proving it every minute.

Teenage is all about your "Firsts" and in the 20s you bid goodbye to a lot of your "lasts".

Friends, who you trusted more than family during teen years, as the family just didn't understand you, turn into people with whom you share a give and take relationship.You suddenly realize that nothing is unconditional.Every relationship comes with a little hidden star mark on it.Friends, who gushed about your everyday new crush as much as you, get into serious relationships eventually get married.

You are done with your studies after slogging your ass off for many years only to realize that all that you studied is called ""bookish knowledge" and is not "practical".Leaning begins in the practical world and it teaches you things its way.Life is not a bed of roses, is something you learn with each thorn poking you one at a time.

What is also called "practical" is the blatant lack of honesty.Getting a degree might not get you a job but knowing someone at the higher position will.You grow up believing the world is your oyster and the 20s teach you that even for a little leg space you will have to struggle like you never have before.Teenage also makes you a dreamer and an idealist.But all that is taken away in the name of practicality.

You don't know where you fit in.Grownups don't take you seriously as you haven't proven your mettle.Kids take you too seriously and so you are banned from entering into their sacred circle.You try hanging out with people you used to since a kid and during college and they turn out to be someone you don't know and recognize.

Guilt free eating is an alien concept.Celebrating birthdays without thinking that your pushing towards scary 30 is an impossible task.You start fretting about the "now invisible but will show if not taken care of" wrinkle.

Everybody in the world wants you to get married and the same people will gladly give you career advice.Whether you ask for it or no.They assume you need it.

You stop taking relationships for granted.You realize that you might not get a chance to make things alright ever.Nostalgia become a part of your life.You try making and remembering memories.You write blog posts about how school life was so much better than the life you have now.

Having celebrated my birthday just 2 days back made me rant like this.After writing all this, for a moment, i wished to get the time turner that Hermione got at Hogwarts.

I know it sounds impractical for an early 20s year old but i refuse to grow up all of a sudden.I have accepted that i am never getting on the Hogwarts express.As for the time turner, early 20s or not, a girl can hope...


  1. Nice post,
    Nice way of putting the feeling in words

  2. Such a mature article from you Upasana. Beyond your age. loved reading it!

  3. Belated Happy Birthday :)!!!
    And I completely agree. 20's is not at all what I wanted it to be!!! And now life seems to be such a blank that I believe I was a lot more focused then than I am now. Before I believed something was my cup of coffee, but now I realize it is going to be a tough job to attain it. And marriage... I just wish it vanished for the time being!!!

    1. Thank you Writing Bee!

      20s make me wonder, why did i grow up at all!

  4. Sigh. Your post just reminded me about turning 20 and how awfully sad I was. The world seems a scary, scary place. Every day I live in fear that College will be over and I will have to fend for myself.

    1. Its not that bad Marita!I didn't mean to scare you at all! What i didn't mention in the above post was that 20s also bring along the strength to fend for ourselves!!So cheer up, its not as bad as i made it look! :-)

  5. OMG, you have no clue how much this is my life now. I couldn't have written it better. Thank you, I thought I was alone for everyone else around seems so sorted out about being in their 20's.

  6. Hey Upa,
    The things you have written here are so true... its like the life story of every person who is in their 20's and i couldnt have perfect words than what you have put here....
    I have read most of your blogs and i can just say 1 thing day by day you are just improving... from good, better to Best...
    All my wishes for you... and remember there are some people who always remain....

  7. why grow up?...i think it is very much in our hand what we want to be...the child or the teenager within never dies...:)

  8. :-) Interesting and very well written...Salute!!!

  9. everything and everyone believes in a give and take policy now!
    You get so used to it that when a person enters your life who just wants to give and expects nothing, you cast him off!

  10. can relate to so much that you said.. it's so true..
    - why d 'f' r ppl so bothered bout others getting married??

    1. Why the "f" really !! I will never understand the pleasure people derive out of witnessing a marriage! Thank you Dreaming wanderer!

  11. Being a teenager, I agree with all the teenage points :D.
    20 looks really far away from here, but really close as well.
    Hope it never comes..
    As for getting on Hogwarts, don't give up hope ;) :D.
    There is magic in everyone :D Like Dumbledore said :) ;).
    I'm still hopeful :D ;).

    1. True!Thank you for reminding me of the wonderful words of Dumbledore!

  12. wat if you are living something or someone to love. a thing you have aspired all your life. and you are working all day n ni8 for it... then does it matter if u r in early 20s or 30s ... unless you are only surrounded by faliures.. wat i mean is yess this the fact and we all have to surpass it as soon so as not become static at this point. like steve jobs said.. you have got 2 find u love... and yess being a girl it becomes more vulnerable since my sister herself is going all these situations.. and of course you wrote awesomingly well...

  13. Dustin Hoffman puts it perfectly.... http://youtu.be/YpEkiP1OA0A?t=12m35s


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