Don't vote!

Reading the title of this post might surprise you. But its true. This post is not to ask or request you to vote.There have been numerous debates, campaigns, articles etc. done on the same topic and the voter turnout remains disappointing.When people are asked to vote, they don't, so this time i am saying the opposite, might just work!

Seriously, what is the significance of the voting day? Is it the biggest festival of the biggest democracy in the world or is it just another holiday? Which category do you fall in?

If you are in the long weekend / holiday category, your ideal excuse (sorry, reason) would be, what difference is it going to make? There are so many people voting, how is my vote going to matter? We have such busy lives, a long weekend / holiday with family and friends will rejuvenate me for the week to come! Fair enough, your reason is valid. A long weekend / holiday is what we all crave for! This being acceptable, the other reason is not. At the risk of sounding preachy, if you think one vote will do no good, it takes only one step further to think that one vote will do no harm! The long weekend / holiday is cut short only by a few hours. And in those few hours you can get yourself the right to decide and the right to complain. If you don’t decide you lose the latter as well.

Think about living in a world where what you say does not mean anything and what you feel is not given importance to. If you think your world right now is the same, you are mistaken. Democracy will always be for the people, of the people and by the people. Its your choice if you want to be counted as “The people”. The choice is always yours. If you see your building, society, area , city and country not functioning properly, its cause that is the choice you have made. You have chosen the few hours of a long weekend over being a responsible citizen and setting a good example for the generations to come. It is said that “Bad politicians are elected by good citizens who don’t vote.”

Now coming to the ones who vote for just about anybody thinking, again, it does not matter, they are all the same. This is the more dangerous category as a half learned doctor is more dangerous than an ignorant one. Voting without finding out the deserving candidate is letting some stranger make decisions for you. Every small thing in our houses go under the scrutiny of our eyes, why is this not applicable in the case of our area, city and country?

According to statistical data, people vote on the basis of their favourite party without paying heed to who the candidate is, the other category is of people who blindly follow their spouse, parents, friends etc. The third and the most scarce category is of the responsible voter, who finds out about the candidate, decides whether he or she is worthy of his vote and then makes a knowledgeable decision. The first and second category give their future, their right, their opinion in the hands of others. Its like handing over your house to someone else to run. The third category is someone who keeps the matters of his house to himself and takes decisions he thinks are correct. Its your choice again. It is up on you to decide where you want to fit in.

Next time you see a problem or something you don't like in your area,city or country, before criticizing take a minute to think did you do your bit well to expect the government to do its bit.You don't vote now, you lose the right to a better future for yourself and the generations to come!

Voting is indeed the biggest festival of the biggest democracy in the world. And its entirely your choice. To come out and vote responsibly or be someone who plays no part in the solution but is only part of the problem!

Finally, i am not asking or requesting you to vote.If you choose to not exercise your fundamental right meant to provide you a better present and future, then either way it is YOUR CHOICE.

Submitted for the Contest by IndiBlogger and Stayfree India. 
If you liked what i said above and agree with me, VOTE for my post here.


  1. Exactly. When you do not participate in making a formidable government, you have absolutely no right to take of jab on which ever party comes in power and how well they perform.

  2. The foundation stone of any fundamentally democratic country is its voter s and their participation. if the people of the nation remain immune to its administration then there will arise a day when one no longer has such privileges. We have to act when we have the power and not complain about it once we lose what is it we have. If one whats the nation to progress he should participate in the government too.

    Fabulous post Upasana, a very good job you have done here.

    1. How true Rupert! I think its high time people understand and follow this!Thank you!

  3. To be very frank the present condition of India is such that is actually hardly matters as to which party comes into power. each one is equally residing in the same filth of corruption and manipulation and thats the reason why even many educated people are avoiding their fundamental right.
    well written!


    1. That is the general perception people have and so the voter turnout is dismal.There are a few candidates who are capable of bringing about good governance but are not chosen due to lack of party support or lack of public support!

  4. You already have a few "well written" comments, and you can add mine to it. Truly masterful crafting and structuring of a blog post. Congrats, and keep at it, Upasana.


  6. oh oh oh.. wait a minute.
    The para starting with "According to statistical..", you said first category people are doing the wrong thing, whereas 3rd category right. Let me ask you a simple question.. Would you consider the good and the bad of whole party or just the party head before voting? So, what you are saying is, you would rather prefer a good candidate no matter how bad the party is than a good party with a new candidate.

    1. That is not what i am saying Raja.

      What i wanted to put across in the point is that the voters are going by popular notions these days.The candidate is given votes on the basis of the party he/she belongs to.Whereas the ideal judgement basis should be the candidate details.Even if he belongs to party known to work for the betterment of the nation, if the candidate is not willing to be a contribution then its of no use!

    2. Think again.. When you want to buy a mobile phone, you look for brand and configuration, not just the configuration. Same here. In politics, BRAND matters.

      Arguing about politics is a waste of time. We know just 1% of what really happens in the system :)

  7. Well written post..
    And the quotes in the pics went well too..

  8. Well felt like voting U :) But what is with indiblogger votes? is winning solely dependant on it!!!
    Anyway can u pls help me with one thing ? How did u incorporate that FACEBOOK like widget. am not able to do so. Pls guide me with it

  9. Nice post Upasana And I mostly agree with you...

    I have just one question - who do we vote for?

    All the candidates up for voting have criminal records (yes in plural for each candidates) and all of them are equally corrupted! So who do we vote for when we know that the results are going to be the same no matter who we vote for - more corruption!

    How do we ensure that we get representatives who we really want to represent us (preferably someone who doesn't have a criminal record and will not use his position to fill in his own pockets?)

    1. @ Debdatta forgive me for intruding.. but i felt compelled to answer your question. i have to say your is a truly cynical approach ,Blame everything else but us .. I agree the political system may be rotten. so what do we do ? wait for angels frm heaven to come down and stand in elections ? or get a dictator ? not gonna happen ... we may never have a perfect democracy .. but does that excuse you frm your duties. many politicians are corrupt but their are many who are upright too. I am sure if you ever have time to check ur local candidates ,you may find a worthy candidates too .. But then that requires some effort frm our part. which like everyone in our generation we don't have time for.

    2. @Frail Voice: I am yet to come across any upright candidates... If you know any, please let me know because I truly am yet to find someone who deserves my vote. The only person I would have ever voted for (since our independence) did not live long enough! Sad but true.
      Actually we do need a 'Straight' Dictator - if that's possible.

    3. Its still me Debdatta... just commenting through a different id

  10. Frankly I would have been in the third category (responsible voter) if I ever voted. I don't have a voters id card yet... because I am yet to find a candidate who deserves my vote! The day we get a candidate who doesn't have single charge sheet against his/her name; says no to corruption; actually enforces lokpal bill; and does some good for the nation -- I'll be the first one in line to vote!!!!!


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