Why does it still hurt?

Unspoken words,
screaming loudly.
Unflinching gaze,
piercing through.
The soul stirs,
broken as it is,
as i witness the 
monster in you...

I try to hold him,
pacify and sooth,
words fall out
shallow and curt,
Monster raises its
ugly head again,
I wonder to myself,
why does it still hurt?

I wonder why can't 
i let you go,
Despite the hurt and 
emotional pain,
I find my answer
as i gaze back,
Behind the monster
i see you and your love
and its still the same!


  1. There are times poetry stares back at you as you stare at the lines. Something stirs in you and you can't tell what it is. The words swirl with the answer yet hold it back from you. Face of love lurking behind the monster? Come, tear me apart and let us be at peace!

    1. "Face of love lurking behind the monster?
      Come, tear me apart and let us be at peace!"

      woowww...!! I always wonder over y i cant create such beautiful lines!
      beautiful!! :D

    2. @Umashankar : Truly beautiful interpretation ! Thank you!

      @Aditi : Even i am amazed.These lines are indeed very beautiful!

  2. ye kya hai? monsters? you mean wo bed ke neeche wale?

  3. This is so beautiful :).
    There is so much feelings in it, which makes it even more beautiful :).

  4. Good girl.. always writes something I don't understand.

  5. Powerful choice of expressions!

  6. Yeah, we look even at the tiniest ray of love and care. Isn't hard to be with such a person?

    1. It is! But the time when the monster is asleep and the human awake, its worth it!Unless and until the monster hurts you!Then you just get up and leave!

  7. What was I thinking ..!!:) I think that's the best form of love!! :) Amazing poem Upasana!!:)

  8. nicely said..
    d battle between love n truth..
    may love win over all!

  9. dahling!
    I just loved it! :D :D
    this poem actually made me sit bak n think! :)
    brilliantly written and kudos to ur poetries! :* :D

    1. Hey! Thanks a ton! I loved reading your comment on the comments received above!


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