My girl has grownup and it time to say goodbye...

Tiny feet entered my house,
Crawling and stumbling 
she found her way around!
"Papa" she said when
she learnt to talk,
Before i realized the 
crawl turned into a walk,
Now grownup, 
as fast as the eye blinks,
Time just flew I think! 
From little baby steps
to a huge flight,
My girl has grown and
its time to say goodbye!
A deserving prince 
takes her away,
Only love and happiness
she gets, I pray!
She does not need
my finger to hold,
I might need hers
now that I am old!
Towards her new life she
takes the first step,
Why did she have to grow up,
The father silently wept!


  1. mast likha hai, you getting married is it? :P

  2. wow...lovely lines...

    I too hav to ask, r u getting married??? :D

    one day that will be my story too...and i am one possessive father too...but it is long as she is happy, I am too....

    1. Thank you Sub! I think that is how every father feels at that point!

  3. Very Sweet poem, Upasana and very heartfelt expressions:)

  4. very honest and innocent lines I must say..

  5. Lovely poem ! I will share this with my daughter when she gets a little older :-)

  6. postingan yang bagus tentang"My girl has grownup and it time to say goodbye..."


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