Soak no more...

A lot has been happening around us. And in some way, almost everything that makes it to the news these days, is a story of the victory of wrong over right. Truth over lies. Hatred over Lies and Insanity over Sanity.

We watch the news. Our reactions range from the typical " Iss desh ka kuch nahi ho sakta" to "I want to change things but i don't know how." Our contribution ends there.

 We make sure that nothing has happened to the ones we love.Make sure that our little world is alright. Then change the channel and the thought is out of our minds.

This apathy is our biggest problem and not the crimes that happen because of it. The cause is our indifference and the effect is the increased rates of crimes.

I realize this as many of you do too.

So when  The Surf Excel Matic SoakNoMore Contest page on Indiblogger asks "What do you think of when you hear the words Soak No more" ?

This is what I feel.

Lust prevails, dignity loses,
Animal instincts come to the fore,
Hunger for flesh rules the mind,
Dignity commands, in lust,
Soak no more...
Corruption marches to the front,
Can't take it anymore,
Truth says, hear me roar,
Corrupt, fear for you life,
In corruption, Soak no more!
Hatred spread, love loses
using religion as the core,
Insanity rules the sane,
Sanity pleads, in hate,
Soak no more...

Lets Soak no more of the Hate, Lust, Violence and Insanity.

Every crime is man made and conducted. If only we keep a check on ourselves, our world will be a better place to live in.

Lets be like the Vibrating molecules of Surf Excel Matic that get to work to remove dirt without soaking. We have soaked enough. It time to remove the dirt now.


This entry is a offical entry to the contest by Indiblogger and Surf Excel Matic.


  1. Superb

    Great as well as best way to put "soak no more".

    People write on Problem but very put solution to the problems.

    Your post make to think beyond the usually thinking.

    Two lines :
    "Truth says, hear me roar"
    "Every crime is man made and conducted"
    are very impressive and say us a lot

    Great post Upasana :)

  2. Great post.... and yes what's a better way to interpret Soak no more? very inspiring

  3. Hey Upasana.....this is amazingly good ! I loved it to no extent.

  4. We've to be like the vibrating molecules of Surf Excel, that was quite an interesting simile to sum up the write up. Indeed, it is the time for proactive action on individual scale.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  5. i dont see how lust and hate fall in the same category, no offense

  6. Yes, if only everyone feels this way..! Great idea, all the best :)


  7. The contents are really good…

  8. Great beginning and a powerful poem. Apathy indeed is one of the biggest problems in our country.

    All the best for the contest Upasana:)


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