Blue butterfly...

Once upon a time
A bright blue fly
Crashed into my life.
Noble and true
So beautiful and cute,
Such  a pretty butterfly,
And he was mine.
He loved and gave joy,
I was all smiles, because he was my butterfly.
Then came a day
He bid me farewell.
Shocked and aghast
I wondered what went wrong?
Such pretty and divine
He was meant to be forever mine.
But I couldn't hold him tight
Or command and fight.
To see his smile
I set him free and sigh.
Now he is gone
My Beautiful life is bygones.
Neither any butterfly has that charm
Nor could provide that love & warmth.
So now I simply wait,
Hoping, blue butterfly crashes in again!

This poem is written by a very good friend of mine, Nikitha, who happens to be a budding poetess and a newbie blogger. Beautiful thoughts brew in her mind and she serves them fresh at Brewed and Served Hot..
Pay this little space a visit and be sure to be enthralled by gems like the one you just read!


  1. Nice post Nikitha.

    Every person have different butterflies of different colours being form of friend, love or fame etc. You made a poem which everyone can connect to their lives.

    Great going

  2. Very meaningful. She writes really well. Keep on writing :) Welcome to blogosphere Nikitha!

  3. Liked these lines..." Neither any butterfly has that charm, Nor could provide that love & warmth." Beautiful writing :)

  4. sahi hai be, mast likha hai. tere jaisi DEEP wali baatein


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